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I posted two days ago and I'm not sure why but my topic is "closed" after only two replies. I need pc help still and thought this was the place.

I did as advised and used a usb adapter to clean my hard drive from my "clean" computer. It took 10hours and 665 virus items were removed. Great, except that I still can't stop this reboot loop.

Question 1: I ran a disk cleanup, but not a fix. I keep reading about running a CHKDSK/F, but how do I do this on my drive that is attached with the adapter?

Question 2: I found many files on my usb adapted HD, but cannot access "MY MUSIC", or "MY PICTURES" or "MY DOCUMENTS". Naturally, this is what I was trying to save. Any ideas?

I'm using a compaq presario '03 windows xp.

Thank you!

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As long as you can run the scans to produce the logs needed, yes.

If for some reason they will not, please post this anyway and give a description of what you have done, what is going on at present time and what you are trying to do and one of the Experts will help you when one comes available. Please be advised, it could be 48 hours or more

Thanks :)

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