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Great pictures!! I first went to Boracay about 18 years ago - nearest airport was on the next island and we took a large boat with outrigger type balances over to the island; waded ashore. The few lodgings had their own generators for electrictity. It was wonderful!! The beach was so beautiful and I hope it still is. Someone told me that the legend was that a ship carrying salt or sugar (can't remember which) had floundered and that accounted for the white sand. Took a small boat around the island (a little over an hour as I recall) paddled by 2 Phillipino guys. We stopped at a bat cave on the other side - just hundreds of those things... But, I am rambling. Hope you enjoyed, I sure did and would like to go back, but I am so afraid it might be touristy now. LOL

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  • Root Admin

Yes no doubt it is a bit Touristy compared to anything it would have been 18 years ago, but the same goes for Europe when I was there 30 years ago.

However I had an excellent time and it was actually off season so not nearly as many tourists as prime time season would be. Great people and ocean activities as well as eating.


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