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MBAM Update Error

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Ever since updating to v1.46 I continuously get the

> MBAM ERROR UPDATING, MBAM_ERROR_UPDATING (12002,0,WinHttp Query Data Available

I was able to update this morning 7/9/2010, but the update process is hit or miss

I'm running WinXP SP3 with all updates applied

Norton 360 Version:

As instructed in other posts, I have set all the Scan Exclusion and Real-time Exclusions for all the MBAM individual files and the directory itself.

Unfortunately living in the sticks, dial-up is the only available option.

I have monitored the network connections and when MBAM initially starts the update process it connects to IP

or it connects to

IF the connection is maintained then the update process completes normally, but if at anytime the connection jumps between the 2 IP addresses, then the Update fails with the above error.....

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Hello and :)

As you have stated in your post, you are on dial-up and while you have monitored your connection, and it switches to the different ip address, it is probably corrupting the download of the new rules file.

This is most likely a problem with your dial-up connection, line noise, or a drop in the connection for a moment in time that is causing the corruption of the rules file. The only solution it to try the update again till you get a successful update.

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