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Startup problem.


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Maybe adding more information than I LIKE LEGOS VERY MUCH!!!! in your signature would help.

Go to My Controls then Edit Signature in Personal Profile and add pertinent system information like my signature so that pertinent assistance can be offered.

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:D:P:D:P:D:) :) :)

I appreciate a man with a sense of humor. ROFLMAO!!

VERY good Bobc8


Thanks. :P I am now going to put my real signature.

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Thanks. :P I am now going to put my real signature.

I liked the Legos thing! Put it back if you want. There is no rule saying you have to use a signature or add system info. It's the whole point of having some freedom and fun. As long as you don't abuse it with spam or offensive material.

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Please list your Operating System (XP Vista Win7) also your A/V and any installed Firewall so your problem can be looked at -

If that is what you want us to do -

Thank You -

Just to clarify better, not necessarily in your signature. Just post.:D

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Just to clarify better, not necessarily in your signature. Just post.:D

Ok - I shall not try to diagnose this (depending on Operating System) reasonably easy problem -

I solved it twice on Bleep Comp as it is not too hard (With thanks to marktreg) -

Sort out your own problems first - :D Then I might have a go at it if My Simple Question is Ever answered -

Please list your Operating System (XP Vista Win7) also your A/V and any installed Firewall so your problem can be looked at -

If that is what you want us to do -

Symantec antivirus corporate edition 10

Is this a company related computer ?? Then please contact Corporate @ malwarebytes

http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314503 M/soft solution center -

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Hi Bob -

Ignore all that 'carry on' above from the children on the panel - Try this link to a free fix for Black Screen XP at start up times -

Here is a link to a free fix from Prevx for your problem -


Thank You -

:D Some people...

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