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Slooooooooooooooooooooooow update


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Dear Forum,

Does anybody know why Malwarebytes 1.46 takes longer to update compared to one month ago?

I do not recall it taking so long in the past. Has there been a change in the design?

I am on Window$ XP SP3 with a cable connection.

Many thanks!


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I have noticed a small change on my end as well, it is probably due to the size of the database file that is being downloaded. As more Malware gets detected out in the wild, the larger the database gets for detecting the malware.

How fast is your cable connection?

You can test your connection at http://www.speedtest.net

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I have noticed a small change on my end as well, it is probably due to the size of the database file that is being downloaded. As more Malware gets detected out in the wild, the larger the database gets for detecting the malware.

How fast is your cable connection?

You can test your connection at http://www.speedtest.net

iv noticed it as well and my connection speed is 10mb download a second

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I have not noticed a slowdown with my 6MB DSL connection. :P

I have noticed a longer time to run the scans though as a month ago they took about 5 minutes and now I see it takes much longer on my XP Pro system

Scan type: Quick scan

Objects scanned: 132191

Time elapsed: 8 minute(s), 40 second(s)

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