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One issue at a time

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I have had only one issue; and since I'm not a young computer wiz, like some of you probably are, I need help in terms I can understand. I remember some DOS if that gives you an idea of my age. I can use the Control Panel, and some general trouble shooting.

The Problem:

I'm using Win. XP home.

After downloading the latest Malwarebytes I could not play video from www.usw.org/multimedia/video

Prior to the download I could.

Actions Taken:

I reloaded Flash media player

I have tried to find the issue with JavaScript, if that is the problem, but had no luck.

I have tried to reset some of the security settings on IE7 to custom and changing some of the settings around Java and Scripting but I'm still not able to see the video.

Is this a common problem?

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