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Does it work in safe mode?

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I dont know if im posting this in the right section but what ever... my apologizes

i wanted to know does it work in safemode? even if you installed it but not in safe mode?

And how do you update it if you dont have internet??

ive heard you had to exchange a file? witch one is it exactly?

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Well in a simple answer Yes it will run in safe mode.....

Although bear in mind that Malwarebytes was designed to be run in Normal mode so that it can detect and remove the malware more effectively. We do not recommend running it in safe mode unless you have been asked to do so by an Expert from this forum. If you run it in safe mode you do this at your own risk.

Also to update it when you can not connect to the Internet you can follow the instructions in Section A Issue 4 located RIGHT HERE!

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When you start you computer in Safe Mode, you are correct, a lot of services and programs do not get loaded, this includes some malware and viruses (but not all of them). Some malware will actually disable your safe mode as well.

Now about Malwarebytes, since you are scanning in safe mode, and not all services are running, including your registry not being fully loaded, Malwarebytes will not detect ALL malware on your computer. When it finds it, it may remove it, but then when you reboot your computer, it may not boot up properly, or it will still be infected once you are back in normal mode.

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