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wireless netbook


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I am just wondering, i have a netbook with paid version of malwarebytes and avast protecting it. I always use a dsl by a cable for internet connection. But the vnet book ability to conect to wifi. So is there any other protection needed for security if i were to use the wireless, or are just the standard anti virus protection programs (malwarebytes and avast} all i need for security?

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connecting through your DSL line, or connection through the wireless affords you the same protection, just keep your antivirus software updated as well as Malwarebytes.

As for connecting to a WiFi network, only connect to networks you trust. If you do not know who's network it is, I would not connect to it as you do not know if they are running any sniffing software that could potentially either access your computer or perhaps monitor what you do no your computer.

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Maybe one more question. Where does encryption come in with the netbook if i use it with a wireless connection to the internet. Is it something already built in to the netbook, so when I enter a password, it is scrambled as it is sent from the computer, or do you need to add a special program for that?

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The encryption that you setup on the router is to keep people from accessing your internet using your wireless router. When you enter your encryption key in your laptop it allows you to use that connection to surf the web. It is not encrypting your data between the laptop and router. You would need special software for that type of encryption.

I am not to up on my wireless stuff, and if I am wrong, I am sure one of the experts would come by and correct me. (I don't think I am off though).

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