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Malwarebytes Free Version vs Full Paid Verson

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I have read the information listed above, and browsed through the site and still have a few questions:

1) It appears based on things that I've read other places, that this is a lifetime registration--I register now and all updates are included. Is this correct?

2) How many computers is the license good for? I have two kids and spend a good chunk of my life cleaning up their computers. The free version is a problem for them as it doesn't automatically update or scan. Can I install the Full Paid Version on all the computers we own or do we need a license for each one?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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I have read the information listed above, and browsed through the site and still have a few questions:

1) It appears based on things that I've read other places, that this is a lifetime registration--I register now and all updates are included. Is this correct?

2) How many computers is the license good for? I have two kids and spend a good chunk of my life cleaning up their computers. The free version is a problem for them as it doesn't automatically update or scan. Can I install the Full Paid Version on all the computers we own or do we need a license for each one?

Thanks in advance for your help!

1) The Malwarebytes Full Version is a LIFETIME license free with updates once you've bought it you won't ever have to renew

2) The license is one per computer I believe, someone correct me if im wrong.

3. To get Malwarebytes at a Discount use Malwarebytes Coupon

I highly recommend the full version because of the real time protection, its added protection and you know malwarebytes has some of the best detection rates for any anti-malware product on the market today.

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