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Speed Of Malwarebytes

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Hello and Welcome to Malwarebytes.....

The time it takes to run a quick scan and full scan on your computer can vary depending on how may files you have, if you have a lot of temp files or corruption on your disk.

Anyway I run CCleaner from time to time to reduce the number of temp files on my computer.

My quick scans take about 5 min.

My full scan (if I do one) took about 40 minutes.

The quick scan is really all you need as it will detect and scan for malware in all common places where malware likes to reside. I only do a full scan about once a month and do daily scans every day.

Hope that answers your question.

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Hello braveheart2009, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org :)

Please follow the directions below to clear out unnecessary temp files and thus speed up quick scanning time.

Please download ATF Cleaner by Atribune (just click the red link).

Please see this link here on how to use it:


If you don't wish to have your Recycle Bin emptied, make sure to uncheck that before you clear everything :)

I use ATF cleaner daily or at least once a week.

My Malwarebytes quick scan typically takes between 6-9 minutes. Full scan takes about an hour and a half lately, but I haven't done one in a long while. Of course, it depends on computer age, number of files, etc...

Full scans are almost never needed; basically what they find are leftovers from already-dead infections and/or items in the system restore area of your computer which cannot harm your computer unless you use an infected restore point.

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My Quick Scan usually only takes about 1-2 minutes, and I built this computer about 5 years ago (although the hard drive is a fairly new Western Digital RE3). I don't specifically remember the Full Scan speed, but I'm fairly certain that it was under 20 minutes.

The easiest thing you can do to speed up your scan times is, as mountaintree16 said, run ATF Cleaner to delete all temp files, Temporary Internet Files, and empty the recycle bin.

Also, defragmenting your hard drive can help considerably if there is a lot of file fragmentation. Of course, limiting startup items can also free up resources (memory and CPU time) that will help increase scan speed.

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