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I just finished rebuilding my PC and ran a scan and got an Extension.Mismatch positive on the following file...

Files Infected:

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Microsoft\Installer\{137AAAA3-CA72-48E5-99B5-A1306CB0B60F}\Icon0B7313C1.txt (Extension.Mismatch) -> No action taken.

I'm not sure if this is an actual problem or not as I have seen several other postings referring to a recent Extension.Mismatch find as a false positive so I thought it best to post here. I am running the most current database. I have attached the file.




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I also got an extension.mismatch for an hp printer file.

I'm on a different computer, so I can't give a log or anything (sorry)

But it was file hpzsetup.exe.txt

4 separate computers had the file, all computers were running Windows 7, 64-bit.

I went to the HP website, and their suggestion is for the user to rename the file, dropping the .txt

My suggestion to HP is to not add the .txt :D

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