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I recently acquired the fantastic antispycheck which slowed my computer to a crawl.

You can imagine the frustration that followed. I am lucky enough to have another computer

right next to me and after about 10 minutes of research i found and downloaded Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.

In another 20 minutes my infected computer was trojan free and running smoothly again.

Thank you again. I will be recommending this to all my friends.

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Bless you and your friends, Rubber Ducky !

I got hit with Virusremover2008 (the developers should rot in hell). Checked about 15 sites and got "free" scans followed by a sales pitch, which essentially

is what Virusremover2008 does ! Or I found instructions accompanied with a warning, 'proceed carefully or you may destroy your computer.' !!!

Finally found you, and your Anti-Malware kicked the criminals off my computer in about 30 minutes.

I am enormously grateful for your assistance. Long may your banner wave, and may your fangs remain razor sharp !

Highest regards,



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