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Been a reader of the forum recently after the forum goers here answered some of my questions and helped me with a computer issue.

I'm just wondering, how does one get into the business of fighting malware and the like? After being infected with a rogue program, and feeling so helpless, I feel I should educate myself and become more knowledgeable of the machines (as well as the internet) in which a lot of our lives seem to revolve around.

I see the experts check out all these malicious sites and DL copies of these bad programs and then disect them to see how they work and such. Where would someone learn how to do something like that? Do you take college courses? If I would want to take courses, what would they be called and what should I look for?

Any info on such things, or even if you could tell me how some of you came to be in this profession or even if it's just a hobby. Personal stories are welcome!


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Greetings Rawr ;)

A good starting point would be taking the free online training offered at the sites on this list.

The training is fairly self-paced, but it can be time consuming. You'll learn not only how to detect and remove malware from other users' computers, but also get a good education on troubleshooting and fixing other PC issues.

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