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I posted this to support and they sent me here to post this. I know it will not be a popular suggestion as they state it takes to get it changed because almost everyone out there is high speed. But anyway, this is what I sent an email about to TS.

I would like to know if possible that in your next version or this one if possible that you can make the downloads for updates to append to file. Myself and I can name over a hundred people in my area are starting to have a hard time downloading the updates. It is taking us over an hour now to get them. We are all on dial-up. We used to use ad-aware, but when it got to over two hours to update every day we dropped them and found you. But now you are doing the same thing and growing in the update file size. Some of us use the free version while others are paying for it. Is there anyway that any new updates that come out can be appended to the .ref file. It is a lot better to download 2k then the full 4.9MB it is now every day. If the full .ref file needs to be replaced then every once in a while we don't mind it, but every day for us is starting to get to us in time wasted and can't do anything on the web while downloading. I install your product in every System that I have to repair or reinstall windows in. I install the free version, tell them about what the paid version is. If they ask me if it is worth paying for I tell them yes and leave it to them to decide.

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We have been working on this behind the scenes for a little while now. It requires a bit of infrastructural improvements on our server-side, which we are steadily working towards. I can't give you a definite time-frame yet (~a few months hopefully) but rest assured it is not forgotten.

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We have been working on this behind the scenes for a little while now. It requires a bit of infrastructural improvements on our server-side, which we are steadily working towards. I can't give you a definite time-frame yet (~a few months hopefully) but rest assured it is not forgotten.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. From all of us on dial-up.

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  • 5 months later...
Thank you, thank you, thank you. From all of us on dial-up.

Just checking back because I am going to have to switch all my Customers to another program very soon. they are all complaining about the download time. the paying members, which most of them are, are getting upset. they started emailing me about it being over 2 hours for them to update. I know V1.5 came out, but it hit home with them already mad about download time. Have they been working still behind the scenes on the upating method or do I need to start looking for another program for them to use?

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Just checking back because I am going to have to switch all my Customers to another program very soon. they are all complaining about the download time. the paying members, which most of them are, are getting upset. they started emailing me about it being over 2 hours for them to update. I know V1.5 came out, but it hit home with them already mad about download time. Have they been working still behind the scenes on the upating method or do I need to start looking for another program for them to use?

According to MB they plan on doing this within the next couple releases. Just hang in there if you can. :lol:

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  • 6 months later...

Ok, well, I cannot wait any longer. Customers complained about taking 4 hours to update because of downloading the def updates, then download the program update then download updates again. They all complained and told me they want it out as it is now taking to long. I need to have your recommendation on which spyware protection that we can use. Does not matter if free or paid as my Customers all pay accept a few. You said as you can see in the thread over a year ago that it was going to be changed. It has not. I have a lot of Customers still on dial-up as no high speed is available to them. I only got high speed not long ago and I know how much of a headache it is to download all the updates. It is not only yours but their antivirus and firewall and you add it all up daily they are downloading for 3.5 hours before they go on the internet making sure they are up to date before browsing.

So at this time, I need to know what program out there that you would have me consider for my Customers? I start next week to go around to all of them for yearly service and I need to change them up when I go around.

Thank you.

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