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update schedular settings

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hello all i have 1 question about the schedular is there any way to set the schedular to run the automatic update silently in the background without popping out when updatting i was watching a movie and the update came up on the screen.. thanks in advance....

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Hi, Stymie:

I assume you are running version 1.46?

If so, yes, there is.

Open the user interface, then the protection tab, then click the scheduler button.

Uncheck the option about showing the balloon popup after successful update.

(Sorry, but this board doesn't allow attachments, or I'd send you a screenshot; but it's pretty straightforward.)

NOTE: I am pretty sure that with the current version of the scheduler, you cannot alter/edit a current setting. So, you need to first delete/remove your current update setting in the scheduler and create a new one that doesn't include showing the update balloon popup. (One of the real experts will be able to confirm this...)

Hope this helps,


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Hi daledoc1 -

Use the ADD REPLY Tab and you can attach screen shots -

The above is correct - I was about to post the same information -

Picture 4 and 5 from Here shows the box on the left unchecked - Middle box -

Please reply if you can see this box -

Thank You -

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Hi again -

I hope this works ror you -

Please always post back if you have other questions

Thnank You -

thats why i usually do daily updates than hourly ill see if it works. thanks again

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