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I upgraded my Nero Program from Nero 6 to Nero 9 .I now find Malwarebytes freezes when the scan reaches Nero 9 There was no problem with Nero 6 but Nero 9 has a lot more to it . A Quick scan is OK , no freezing . Has anyone else found this ? and if so is there a work round please .

cheers fatherflap

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Greetings :P

Please do the following, choosing the instructions appropriate to your version of Windows:

Run a Disk Check on your C: drive in Windows XP:

  • Click Start and open My Computer
  • Right-click on C: and select Properties
  • Click on the Tools tab
  • Under Error-checking click the Check Now... button
  • Mark the box next to Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
  • When the message box pops up, click the Schedule disk check button and restart your computer
  • Once your computer restarts it will check the drive, don't press any keys so that it is allowed to do so

Run a Disk Check on your C: drive in Windows Vista or Windws 7:

  • Click the Start vista-7-start.png button and select Computer
  • Right-click on C: and select Properties
  • Click on the Tools tab
  • Under Error-checking click the Check Now... button and click Continue at the User Account Control prompt
  • Mark the box next to Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
  • When the message box pops up, click the Schedule disk check button and restart your computer
  • Once your computer restarts it will check the drive, don't press any keys so that it is allowed to do so

Once the disk check is complete and your PC has rebooted, please try scanning with Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware once more to see if the issue is now corrected.

Please post back with the results.

Thanks :P

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You might try uninstalling Nero 9, rebooting and then reinstalling it again to see if that resolves it. I can't think of too much else unfortunately and being a Nero 9 and Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware user myself, I've never experienced issues between the two which leads me to believe it's most likely that one of Nero 9's files may be corrupt and unreadable.

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