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Running Windows 7.

When I turn on the laptop I get a few seconds of the Vaio screen before it disappears for a black screen with a blinking underscore in the upper left corner that jumps about two lines down and just sticks. It won't respond to anything other than ctrl-alt-del that restarts it to the Vaio screen and repeats.

I get a menu if I press f2 on the Vaoi screen.

With the f10 I get an "Edit Boot Options" black and grey screen

"Edit Windows boot options for: Start VAIO recovery Center

Path: \windows\system32\boot\winload.exe



after that f8 comes up with another menu

"Safe Mode

Safe Mode with Networking

Safe Mode with Command Prompt

Enable Boot Logging

Enable low-resolution video (640x480)

Last Known Good Configuration (advanced)

Directory Services Restore Mode

Debugging Mode

Disable automatic restart on system failure

Disable Driver Signature Enforcement

Start Windows Normally"

Whichever I pick the Vaio Recovery Tools starts up, with the exception of Safe Mode which does the exact same thing but in safe mode.

I have tried "Rescue Data" and it got to 98% before an error message popped up and it shut down the laptop.

And that's all I know...I'm in desperate need of any help. Thanks

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with the exception of Safe Mode which does the exact same thing but in safe mode.

Can you get any boot in safe mode to run this disk check ??

Run a Disk Check on your C: drive in Windows Vista or Windws 7:

  • Click the Start button and select Computer
  • Right-click on C: and select Properties
  • Click on the Tools tab
  • Under Error-checking click the Check Now... button and click Continue at the User Account Control prompt
  • Mark the box next to Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
  • When the message box pops up, click the Schedule disk check button and restart your computer
  • Once your computer restarts it will check the drive, don't press any keys so that it is allowed to do the check

It seems that the fault may need a reinstall of Win7 if you cannot get past this - Do you have the Disc from the first install ??

Thank You -

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