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I am working on a client's computer which is an HP Mini 1035NR that doesn't have a CD drive to use for recovery.

I am getting a BSOD Unmountable_Boot_Volume with STOP: 0x000000ED (0x86508C08, 0xC000009C, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

Do you guys have any ideas of how to boot the machine? I've already tried everything that I can think of.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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It sounds like the hard drive is on it's way out and the file system has become corrupt.

I would remove it, and try to capture an image of the drive with Acronis, Ghost, Easeus (free), or other HDD imaging application. Then run a chkdsk on it, reinstall into client PC and try to boot.

After the chkdsk has failed and the hard drive has gotten worse, :blink: then restore the HDD image to a new HDD of similar or larger capacity and attempt to boot the client's system with that.

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