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Need Advice and Recommendations

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I had a nasty malware called TR/Vundo.ME.71 on my computer and after several days of help from Maniac, was able to get my computer clean. I've been reading how to prevent malware here at Malwarebytes, and although I've got an anti-virus (Avira), Malwarebytes, SpywareBlaster, and am using FireFox as my browser, I've been relying on the firewall that comes with Windows XP. According to this excellent article below, I need a better firewall.


Are there any recommendations from members here regarding firewalls? Will there be a conflict with the built-in Windows firewall? Do I delete the Windows firewall?

Should I install MVPS Hosts?

What other steps can I take to safeguard my computer.

And one final question............I often download pictures from news sites and from reader submitted sites like Accuweather to use in my small forum on Yuku. Am I getting malware from downloading pictures? Is there anyway to scan a picture before downloading to see if it's clean?

Any information appreciated...........thanks!

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Hi Leila!

I'm glad that Maniac was able to get you all cleaned up :)

MVPS hosts would be a great idea.

Infact, HostsMan would be a great idea to further enhance the security of your internet experience. I have it on my system. I can help you get it onto yours if you'd like :)

Are you using the paid version of Malwarebytes?

I don't really have any firewall recommendations at the moment but I am sure that someone else will be able to help you with that :)

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Hi Leila!

I'm glad that Maniac was able to get you all cleaned up :)

MVPS hosts would be a great idea.

Infact, HostsMan would be a great idea to further enhance the security of your internet experience. I have it on my system. I can help you get it onto yours if you'd like :)

Are you using the paid version of Malwarebytes?

I don't really have any firewall recommendations at the moment but I am sure that someone else will be able to help you with that :)

I'm not using the paid version of Maywarebytes as of yet, but Maniac suggested that the paid version offers better protection. I'm planning on going ahead and getting the paid version.

I think the MVPS Hosts is a good idea if it's recommended.

Thanks for your response. :)

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You're welcome!

I've been using the paid version for almost a year now, and I will never go without it again, it's fabulous!! It certainly does offer you excellent protection :)

well HostsMan incorporates MVPS hosts and offers additional lists for protection.

If you're interested, I'll start a new thread in the PC Help forum where I can assist you in installing it :)

Just a side note, please use the ADD REPLY t_reply.gif button at the bottom of the page, no need to quote everything someone you are replying to said :)

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Are there any recommendations from members here regarding firewalls? Will there be a conflict with the built-in Windows firewall? Do I delete the Windows firewall?

Hi, Leila. Mountaintree has already addressed part of your question, but I don't think the above part has been answered. Yes, there will almost certainly be a conflict between the built-in Windows firewall and any other firewall you install. If/when you choose one, you should disable the Windows firewall (not delete it, just disable it). To disable it in Windows XP, click on Start, then on Run, then type Firewall.cpl and click OK. You'll see a big box. In the General tab, click on Off and then on OK. That's all there is to it.

However, don't disable the Windows firewall until you've chosen another to replace it. Once you've chosen a different firewall, disable the Windows firewall and THEN install the one you've chosen.

As for recommendations, there are several that have been highly rated. One is the one I use, Agnitum Outpost. It comes in a free version as well as a commercial version. I used the free for a while, but then they had an offer of a lifetime license for the paid version, and I took advantage of it. The Outpost firewall has both a Simple and an Expert setting, so people at many different levels of experience can use it.

I hope this helps.

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Hi whatmeworry,

The link I mentioned in my post had Agnitum Outpost as one of their two recommendations, and it sounds like a good one.

I have some errands to run, and will get back to this later today, as I'm sure I'll have questions. ;)

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Hi Mountaintree,

Thanks for the information on MVPS............it sounds like I need all the additional protection I can get.

I have to run some errands and will be back online later today and look forward to information on how to install and set it up.


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Why does Agnitum Outpost not disable the Windows firewall automatically?

Won't MBAM detect that the Windows firewall has been disabled and will be detected like:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\FirewallDisableNotify (Hijack.SecurityCenter) -> Bad: (1) Good: (0) ->

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Why does Agnitum Outpost not disable the Windows firewall automatically?

For all I know, it might. It certainly recognized that I had an anti-virus program. However, before I installed Outpost, I had been using Sygate as my firewall, so the Windows firewall was already disabled. I thus had no opportunity to see whether Outpost would disable it on its own.

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