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Forum index page reloading

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There is a problem with this forum's index page. It will not stop reloading itself without a web filter being used. I use Proxomitron to filter pages and headers, and that can stop the index reloading, but I have another computer where I cannot use Prox, and with that one, the index page is unusable because it reloads after about one second of display, repeatedly.

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Well we're not running ads and we're not running a page refresh so not sure why you're getting this here. Have you scanned for Malware ?

Considering that the other computer I used to view the index page was a Mac and had the same problem, I very much doubt that malware is the cause. If a web or header filter is capable of stopping the reloading, I think that the cause is the web page code or one of the Javascript files that loads with the page.

Is there some kind of timer that is running and re-running on the index page? I saw that a filter that disables timers was active at one point, using the Proxomitron log window to see which filters were active.

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I tried the index page again with both computers. The Mac is no longer reloading the page repeatedly.

I had to re-install Safari on the Mac. Maybe that had something to do with it, even though I was using Firefox to read the page (or attempt to do so).

The Windows version of Firefox is still reloading that index page repeatedly if I bypass Proxomitron.

I tried disabling Javascript and that stopped the reloading. It is most likely one or more of the .js files that load with that page causing the problem.

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