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Hi there,

I just ran a full scan (database version 4174) which resulted in the following:

Files Infected:

C:\Program Files\Sygate\SPF\tralog.log (Trojan.Agent) -> Delete on reboot.

Is this a false positive or should I be concerned?

Thank you.

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Welcome bailey -

Are you using Norton or have you had Norton installed ?? This seems to be the name of their Firewall -

Sygate is your Firewall tralog.log - Firewall Traffic log -

Not sure if the scan found an item in there , or it has just noticed your firewall and can not get past it -

If the statements above are true then you just need to add exclusions to your Antivirus and firewall -

Visit This Area of the FAQ section and add these items to your Antivirus and Firewall -

Thank You - :)

EDIT - Most likely a F/P , or it removed an item from there -

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Hi noknojan,

I've never had Norton installed but I am using Sygate Personal firewall.

I rebooted, which I guess deleted the traffic log (I presume Sygate created a new one) and ran a full scan again and got the all clear.

I've been using Sygate and Malwarebytes for a very long time, so it's a little strange that a Sygate log file would all of a sudden be identified as infected though.

Thank you.

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EDIT - Sygate is a product that now belongs to Norton -

That's true (alas), but it looks as if bailey is continuing to use the original Sygate Personal Firewall, which can be used with no connection to Norton. I did that too for quite a while, though eventually I switched to Outpost Firewall Pro.

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