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KIS slowing down my laptops?

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I believe that trusted applications should work just fine, I'll give you screen shot of what I have when I get home if that would be helpful :( (I have KAV, but it should be the same place).

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Here you are!

Just follow the red dots after clicking on "settings" [it's in the upper rightmost corner for me on the main interface]

(made it easy for you :()

I also made sure to show the full pathfile for you :lol:

Let me know if you have any questions!


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@ mountaintree16

what about these?

C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\zlib.dll

C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbam.dll

C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamext.dll

C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref



do these matter or only put the .exe's?

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Hey there IDKWatMyDisplayNameShoudBe :(

I only have the three in my screenshot added. That really should be sufficient for exclusions in Kaspersky for Mbam, but if you want to you can add the others that you listed :(

Are you having any troubles updating Mbam since having Kaspersky installed?

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@ mountaintree16

please tell me if i did it right. and BTW, the svchost.exe was there automatically when i installed KIS2011. and ever since i installed kis i think i dont have any problems updating MBAM. and right now i have UAC on so everytime i open mbam or try to update manually, UAC pops-up. i dont wanna get those pop-ups again but i dont wanna disable UAC. how do u stop UAC from popping up when u open MBAM without actually disabling UAC?

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SVChost should be there :D

Great job! Everything looks fine :)

As for UAC, please read this explanation from Exile360:

(he explains it better than I can)

mbam.exe is supposed to require administrative priveleges because the scanner will need it to be able to remove detected threats. The issue being discussed here is an issue when the computer initially boots where Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is blocked from startup by UAC with the paid version.
That's normal. It's User Account Control asking if you'd like to allow the program to run or not. This happens because Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware's scanner requires administrative privileges to run, thus causing the UAC prompt. Opening MSE's user interface does not require administrative privileges so you won't get such a notification and darkening of the screen.


So in short, the prompt is supposed to be there, there's nothing you can do about it other than turning off UAC

(which I strongly, STRONGLY advise against).

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well my performance is improved, and ive also did some things on my own. i run ccleaner 3 or 4 times a week and i defrag my laptop every once in a while. ive also disabled most start up items. these are the main things ( I ) did and even my overall pc performace has improved! BDTS2011 is coming out i think around this month, and the BD Customer support says that theres gonna be a big improvement in the 2011 product. here's a video where it shows a hint whats there gonna be new in BDTS2011.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOJywycuUMY

im also gonna format my harddrive and get windows 7 soon mabe. so when that happens, i might go with BitDefender... well it depends.

and i know that theres another way to improve ur speed by going to performance options, but u have to disable alot of things. so what things should i disable? ive seen some youtube videos but people disable to many things. i still wanna enable most of those things to make my pc appearence still good, but i just wanna disable those things that are reallllly useless.

Anyways, i dont know how to thank the MBAM forum to help me with this issue. well heres one way. Thanks! :) :) :) (notice how when i first started this topic, i had sad smiley faces. now i have 3 happy faces. :) )

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