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Trojan found - reboot - now Error loading operating system

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My computer is infected with a trojan. When I realized it I ran MalwareBytes, it froze while attempting to run but had already identified three instances of a trojan (net.net) on the machine.

Nothing was responding so I rebooted the machine (now clearly a mistake)

Now the PC will not boot it says "Error loading operating system". I cannot get to Windows safe mode.

What do I do?

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Hello dbomb

Welcome to Malwarebytes.


Select the installation that you want to access from the Recovery Console...by number (usually 1)

When you are prompted to do so, type the Administrator password. If you have not set an administrator password, leave it blank and just press "Enter".

At the Recovery Console command prompt, type chkdsk /r and press Enter.

This will send the system through a series of checks and possibly fix the boot issue.

Once it is done type in exit and it will restart the computer.

See if you get back into Windows.

If not we will try something else.

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