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I was recently infected with a trojan virus, and I had believed I removed it. However, I recently noticed a process (csrss.exe) was still running. I have been informed that this is a process assosciated with a trojan. Is there anything I can do about it?

Thank you

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Hi Steve

What is csrss.exe?

A Microsoft Windows file stored in the c:\windows\system32 or c:\winnt\system32 directory that has the file description: "Client Server Runtime process."

Is this file a spyware, trojan, or virus?

The csrss.exe file included with Microsoft Windows is not spyware, a trojan, or a virus. However, like any file on your computer it can become corrupted by a virus, worm, or trojan. antivirus programs can detect and clean this file if it has become infected. Because this file is part of Microsoft Windows users should never delete or remove this file if they think it is infected, let the antivirus program handle it.

This is part of a legit file - The csrss.exe is a critical system process that cannot be removed from the Task Manager without causing issues with Windows -

It can become infected , but as you seem to have cleaned your sysyem it should revert to its normal usage -

If you feel it has been infected post back and I have a fix for it -

Thank You - :P

EDITED to include extra information -

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