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MBAM_ERROR_updating (122, 0, multiByteToWideChar)

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I have spent the last few days, just collecting my personal logs and dated notes and events on my computer. My summary tells me that I have been either gloriously hijacked, or an error has occurred in my network settings, configuring my firewall and my security protection.

Using the Malwarebytes' forum has helped me to understand my system and my security protections better and I have decided on one or all of the following in this order:

1. Give one last try at configurations (contained in your Posts 4 and 5) and then, since my ISP is a LAN, I will reset my network from HOME to PUBLIC and give a new copy of Malwarebytes another opportunity to update.

2. use your suggestion to let the Malwarebytes experts check me out with the HijackThis Logs process, or

3. Go all the way to paid support at malwarebytes.org. I assume #2 might use remote assistance to my computer (?).

I'm going to uninstall the current Malwarebytes before I install it again. May I have a URL for Malwarebytes Anti-Spyware Clean?

Thank you for your support and exposing me to more knowledge about my situation.


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Hi -

Your assumption at #3 is not correct - We do the same as on the forum , except that you will have priority over other free users -

2. use your suggestion to let the Malwarebytes experts check me out with the HijackThis Logs process, or

3. Go all the way to paid support at malwarebytes.org. I assume #2 might use remote assistance to my computer (?).

Thank You -

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I'm having the exact same issue. Steps taken:

- Uninstalled Malwarebytes fully, and ran the cleaning exe.

- Ran the FIXME.BAT steps from the beginning of the thread.

- Rebooted, disabled Symantec (I do not have CA) and reinstalled.

- Added all files mentioned to Symantec's exceptions, and mbam.exe to the firewall exceptions.

It still does not work.

A few things to note:

- Windows 7 64-bit

- I do use an internet proxy which I had to setup again after running FIXME.bat. I have this configured with credentials in MBAM's setup area.

- It does not work even with Symantec disabled and the firewall disabled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally had an opportunity to start over with Malwarebytes Anti-Spyware after going through a most disagreeable experience. The common user doesn't automatically know how to configure firewall and anti-virus/anti-malware application and I would suggest that was the probable cause of failure in being unable to update mbam. Thank you for your instructions on what to exclude from anti-virus scans and the firewalls.

After doing my configurations this morning, before and after installing Malwarebytes application, I had no trouble whatsoever. My db version is up to 4292 and I expect that is correct.

Can someone tell me how often the database is updated?


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