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This morning, I posted a message with the subject header MBAM_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE (0,5). My browser took several minutes to post the message, but it did eventually post it. (I didn't have that problem with any other site.) When I checked back a while later to see whether anyone had responded, I saw to my surprise that the message appeared twice, with a two-minute difference in posting time. I have no idea how that happened--I did NOT click twice. I tried to see whether I could remove one of the postings, but I saw no way to do so, so I sent a PM to an administrator asking whether he would please remove one of the postings for me. I've had no response to my posting, and both messages are still there. Since all the other messages around it have received responses, I'm puzzled as to why mine has not. It occurred to me that perhaps people are annoyed that "I" posted the same message twice. Thus, I'm writing again simply to explain that I DID NOT post it twice, and that I'm still getting the same error message and am still unable to use MBAM Pro. I'd really welcome some help.

Thanks in advance.

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Sorry, but I'm not sure this deals with the same issue. It's not that I log on to the Malwarebytes forum and don't see responses for quite a while. Rather, I try to post a message and the Firefox icon spins around and around for a couple of minutes while the status bar says something like "waiting for forums.malwarebytes.org" (that's probably not exactly what it was saying, but it was definitely waiting for the malwarebytes site), and then after several minutes it apparently reaches the site and posts the message. It also happened when I posted the "I didn't post twice" message. AFAIK, it doesn't happen with other forum websites. (And it didn't happen when I posted this response.)

I'm still especially interested in figuring out why I can't use MBAM Pro, which worked fine this morning when I still had Outpost Pro 6.7.3 installed. What does the error message MBAM produced mean (MBAM_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE (0,5))? It said to report it to the support team.

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I'm happy to report that I uninstalled MBAM and downloaded and reinstalled a new copy. I had no problem installing it, updating the database, and running a Quick Scan. So perhaps the problem wasn't with Outpost Pro 7 but rather with a flaky MBAM database update? I don't know. All I know is that MBAM is back and I'm happy. :)

I don't know whether the problem I was having earlier today with the MBAM Forum website was independent of my MBAM problem, but after removing MBAM from my computer, I no longer had trouble with the website, and I continue not to have a problem now with the new copy of MBAM installed. Perhaps there's no connection, but I thought I'd mention it.

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