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Possible Bug with version 1.46

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OK I found this on a couple of computers already.

1. I get an infected computer so I install Malwarebytes on it to start the cleaning process. (while off line)

2. I copy the latest rules files from a clean updated computer to this infected said PC.

3. Launch Malwarebytes and verify that the latest rules file shows on the update tab.

4. Run a scan and clean the computer. Once it is clean I reboot.

5. Now I connect the PC to the Internet. I again launch MBAM and go to the update tab. It still shows the latest rules file version.

6. This is where it gets interesting. If I click on Check for Updates it always updates to the latest database even though it was already up to date.

Here is the version numbers:

a. Fresh install version 1.46 database is 4052.

b. Copy of rules file from updated PC brings database to version 4163.

c. After scan is complete and connected to Internet and run Check for Updates it updates from version 4052 to version 4163.

Let us know.


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This is actually by design. MBAM does not update its settings to reflect a manually copied database (I actually learned this recently myself :)). That's one of the reasons it's always best, when possible, to update via normal means through the program itself, although it is perfectly understandable why a case like this would make manually copying the file over a necessity. Of course, once you can connect to the net again, updating normally gets the configuration settings synchronized so you're back in business :).

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Great, thanks for the info exile360, it is safe to assume that even though the settings are not updated, when I do the scan it is actually using the file I copied there right? I mean there is now way that it would be using the old file since its been replaced.

I guess it kind of answers my own question. :)

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