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On a recent start up of Skype, MBAM reported that it blocked a malicious website with the IP address Since Skype running was the only thing different from my computer before and after this alert, I am assuming it has something to do with Skype (a new version is available for install, it seems, according to the program window and not just a random, suspicious pop-up). Skype is a safe program to my knowledge, so I wanted to get a second opinion on this one.

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Apologies for taking so long.

Skype is indeed a safe program - but it accesses unsafe IPs due to the nature of how it works (virtually the same as Kazaa, which was also developed by the company that develops Skype). In this case, the IP you references, is sitting on a known malicious network, owned by Root eSolutions (aka Root SA);


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Okay. I assume, though, that it is safe to continue using Skype, then since MBAM live protection is enabled? I'm not exactly sure what I can do to prevent Skype from accessing these IPs since when the alert message was triggered it was merely Skype starting up, meaning that it was automatic.

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Okay. I assume, though, that it is safe to continue using Skype, then since MBAM live protection is enabled? I'm not exactly sure what I can do to prevent Skype from accessing these IPs since when the alert message was triggered it was merely Skype starting up, meaning that it was automatic.

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