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Can't Install

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I have used 1.18 before to remove but this time I am not able to install the Megabytes Ver1.18 or 1.19 from a USB drive or if I copy to the dekstop. Even in safe mode. When double clicked, nothing. Other programs can install without issue. I have re-downloaded and tested on another machine.

I have removed all \vav extentions and all the others I can find.



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One last item that gets removed by ver 1.19 then reappears is the Trojan.Vundo. My anti virus ID's it as TR/Zlog.28800.

Any ideas? other than that all removed.


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There is probably another infection (possibly a rootkit) that is replacing it each time it's removed. Please follow these instruction for posting HijackThis logs and such in our Malware Removal - HijackThis Logs forum and one of our malware removal experts will be more than happy to help you out.


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Thanks for the input. I finally was able to get this item removed. I updated the AntiVirus to the absolute latest, installed SP3 for XP them rescanned using malwarebytes 1.19. Success. Not sure if SP3 has any credit to this but can't hurt.


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No SP3 would not have anything to do with it. Vundo is a constantly morphing trojan. New versions all the time. To be sure your clean you really should follow the instructions in the link GT500 gave and start a thread of your own in that forum.

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