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Hello guys.

I recently got Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and i've been annoyed a bit that i can't acces etf2l.org - a european Team Fortress 2 gaming league.

I'm very active on the forums and in the league, so i hope theres a way Malwarebytes Anti-Malware can let me get acces to it.

I use Firefox.

Any one knows a way i can allow it to go to that page?



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I'm afraid the site lies within a known malicious range, which is why it's blocked. I'd advise you urge the sites owner to move the site to a new host.

In the meantime, you can unblock it by right clicking on the Malwarebytes AntiMalware icon when a block occurs, and select "Add to ignore list"

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I'm afraid the site lies within a known malicious range, which is why it's blocked. I'd advise you urge the sites owner to move the site to a new host.

In the meantime, you can unblock it by right clicking on the Malwarebytes AntiMalware icon when a block occurs, and select "Add to ignore list"

D'oh! You can only do that when the block notice appears...and for me that only happened ONCE.

How do I manually unblock whatever IPs I want, when I want?

Thank you

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I'm afraid the site lies within a known malicious range, which is why it's blocked. I'd advise you urge the sites owner to move the site to a new host.

In the meantime, you can unblock it by right clicking on the Malwarebytes AntiMalware icon when a block occurs, and select "Add to ignore list"

Oh...and as for your suggestion to tell them to move their site at ...

"gigapedia.com - Overview

Updated: 20 hours ago

gigapedia.com is a website that ranks 4,181 in Alexa and has a Google PageRank of 6. gigapedia.com is ranked on position 2,882 within com and has 376 backlinks according to Alexa. The hostname or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) gigapedia.com is identical to the domain name gigapedia.com. The domain is registered under the domain suffix com and is named gigapedia. The gigapedia.com Server is powered by Microsoft IIS/7.0 webserver software and is located in Sweden (Stockholms Lan). The median load time is 6547 milliseconds which is faster than 8% of the other websites. gigapedia.com is not listed in the dmoz open directory project."

Um. Gee. Maybe the problem is with Malwarebytes here? (-;

I will take my chances with Gigapedia but WHY doesn't MWB allow manually adding to the ignore list? That would be easier than waiting for warning windows that don't come back.

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Um. Gee. Maybe the problem is with Malwarebytes here? (-;

Hmm...Problem with MBAM because it blocks a known malicious range that could infect people...Nah I think not.

I will take my chances with Gigapedia but WHY doesn't MWB allow manually adding to the ignore list? That would be easier than waiting for warning windows that don't come back.

If you want to trust a malicious range and a hosting company that does not deal with scammers and phishing sites, that's your choice. Why should MBAM allow/unblock this range so everyone could have the ability to get infected as well?

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