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Anyone have any suggestions? I never saw this when I used a good old CRT monitor. When I changed to a a flat screen LCD monitor, it used to happen every now and again. In the last couple for week,s it's been much more frequently - currently, I'd say the screen momentarily blacks out every few minutes. Right now, I'd say it's about once a minute.

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Make sure you have the correct input source selected on your screen by checking the socket where it's plugged. White is usually digital and Blue would be analog. There should be an input button on the monitor. Probably the first button on the bottom right of the screen. If not, you may have to access the menu to change your input source. If that doesn't correct the problem then I would suspect some sort of physical damange...in which case, you should locate your warranty paper or receipt. If you just purchased it, I'd return it. If you've had it several weeks or so, they may not let you return it but the warranty should certainly take care of it.

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I used to have this problem after I updated the driver for my monitor. A roll-back fixed it if I recall correctly. The contacts also might need to be cleaned but I don't know how to do that safely so I'd search the internet. It may be a conflict as well with a driver. I don't know the monitor model or brand but I would advise contacting them about it and seeing if they have any solutions.

I've had a Xerox and Dell monitor in the past with problems and I ended up having to send them in but both companies were very speedy getting it fixed and back to me.

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Make sure you have the correct input source selected on your screen by checking the socket where it's plugged. White is usually digital and Blue would be analog. There should be an input button on the monitor. Probably the first button on the bottom right of the screen. If not, you may have to access the menu to change your input source.

@1972 vet,

Not sure what you mean - sorry. D'you mean socket on monitor or on PC? I have a standard VGA cable, there are no white or blue clues where it plugs in to the monitor, and at the PC end it's standard VGA input (blue IIRC). I can get the menu up but I can't figure out how to navigate it. Doh. I have four buttons on the monitor:

  • one that looks like the standard icon for making display wider or narrower
  • one which looks like a set of pages, stacked (this gives me the menu)
  • a down arrow
  • and an up arrow

I can get into the menu and navigate it, with difficulty (I have U and D but no L and R), but there's no input source menu setting.

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On the LCD screen, at the bottom there should be an LED indicator light. When you first boot up, take note of that light color. When the desktop stabilizes and you are ready to go, that light should be blue. While it's up and running for a while you noticed the LCD monitor turns black. At that time, what color is that LED indicator light? Still blue? Yellow? None existent? You should also make certain the cables are securely attached. Tried Windows Update site to see if it finds an updated driver? Has a driver roll back fixed the issue? There are quite a few reasons for the issue, but if all those fail, it may just be a bad monitor that should be returned for a refund or replaced by the warranty.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I have some new information, but I don't know what it means ...

Tonight I decided to rule a faulty cable in or out. I wasn't optimistic that the cable would be the culprit, but figured I had to know one way or the other. So I bought a new cable and swapped it out. Sure enough, no difference. No major problem but still the occasional blackout. And then .. since I last posted I have invested some

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  • 1 month later...
I /think/ it rules out any hardware issues quite unambiguously, so at least that's progress, right?

Wrong, as it happens. I have decided I am too prone to give hardware the benefit of the doubt, forgetting that it is prone to developing faults. I finally got around to buying and installing a replacement graphics card, and the display is brand new again. Really quite a reasonable price too. I'd like to say it absolutely points to the old graphics card as the problem, but I can't - quite - because the new card that I bought fitted into a different slot on the mobo (although that was not my intention when I bought it; I thought I was buying one to go in the same slot). So I can't entirely rule out a fault with the slot rather than the card, but I know where I'd place my money if I were a betting man.

So lesson for the day is ... hardware is not above suspicion. Rule it out first if it's not prohibitively expensive to do so.

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