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Norton 360 V/4 and Updating Malwarebytes

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Version 4.2 has been released by Norton. If you use that product - Norton 360 - and have been having trouble updating Malwarebytes since version 1.45, as I was, this will probably fix the issue for you. It did for me. You might have to run Norton's Live Update MANUALLY, and then reboot, in order to retrieve the upgrade and apply the fix.

Hope this helps!

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Hi richfed -

Our latest install fix listed is Norton V4 so we might need to update this - Some people still use V4 so we need to cover as many options as we can -

Thanks for your input - :)

Well, after further review, that did not do the trick. After updating to Norton 4.0+, I was able to download Malwarebytes definitions few a couple of days, then ... error again. Not sure why.

My sense of it is that it is related to the Norton Add-On Pack. On my laptop, I use NIS along with Malwarebytes and it updated beautifully even with version 1.45 and then 1.46. The other day, I added the Add-On Pack for NIS and WHAMMO. No more updates. I just bought a new desktop. Installed Norton 360 version 4 - all updated - on it and I was able to successfully install and update Malwarebytes. As soon as I downloaded the Add-On Pack, ther error appeared again.

All 3 systems [laptop, old desktop, new desktop] are running Windows 7.

Can any other Norton users confirm or deny this?

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My sense of it is that it is related to the Norton Add-On Pack. On my laptop, I use NIS along with Malwarebytes and it updated beautifully even with version 1.45 and then 1.46. The other day, I added the Add-On Pack for NIS and WHAMMO. No more updates. I just bought a new desktop. Installed Norton 360 version 4 - all updated - on it and I was able to successfully install and update Malwarebytes. As soon as I downloaded the Add-On Pack, ther error appeared again.

Hi richfed -

This has also been noted on the Norton Forum site - The advice from exile360 is the noted fix at this time -

Thank You - :)

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