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php forum vs vbulletin???


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Yes, SECURITY on phpBB is very well known for being compromised over and over. My own preference is UBB.threads

I've run a UBB.threads forum for many years now and knock on wood I've not had a single successful attack on the forum.

Fantastic. :)

I've been working on that for almost two weeks. Got several sections and now this.:)

Well, it's free, but will have to see how that goes. :)

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  • Root Admin

Yes I agree. No sense in purchasing BBS software if its for hobby use or learning and most Website offerings also come with this and other free BBS software to install and use on your site.

If however you're interested in a full featured product.

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phpBB is open source project that has as many positive traits and some negative. It's free and very popular. This makes it a primary objective of hackers, and it's also open source, so for them is even easier. phpBB has many developers and beta testers much so that these problems are less. Very functional board system and is still my favorite. It's one of the most used, so that users are familiar with it.

Ron, honestly this bulletin board, I might hear for the first time. It's not so popular, so it's quite possible that there are no so many attacks against it, even if it has security holes.

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  • Root Admin

Don't disagree that it is not as popular as some others but what it does have that the others don't is just like here - they have developers that can and do make changes instantly if or when reported. Most of the other boards can take days to weeks before a fix is made available.

Linux isn't a drop in the bucket compared with numbers of Windows machines but I certainly would not say it's not as safe because of that.

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