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Some suggestions (and a hi :D )

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Greetings, I'm a registered user of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and I've noticed a few things with the latest release.

Chances are, some of them have been this way for a while and I've just never noticed them, but I did pick up on some things.

1) Under the Scanner tab, if you're a registered user, you can do the Flash scan. This I saw, seemingly, for the first

time today and ran it. When it finished, I was still in the scanner tab with the popup that stated that the scan was

successful and how no malicious items were detected (etc). On clicking OK, I'm still in the scanner tab, but I can't

do a new scan unless I go to another tab then back over because the scanner tab is showing nothing but the status

of the previous scan. I checked for the same thing to happen on the Quick scan and the Full scan and it did the

same thing.

Suggestion on next update/release: put total # of objects scanned, time taken, and drive scanned in the popup

window and automatically have the Scanner tab go back to the normal view where one can select which type of scan

they want to do.

2) Under the Logs tab, when using the Delete or Delete All buttons, the log/logs are deleted right away. There's no

confirmation for making sure one wants to delete the log/logs (only real need for confirmation that I can see is that

corporations probably want to make sure everything that's "logged" is kept).

Suggestion on next update/release: put in a confirmation yes/no. If yes, delete away. If no, take them back to the

log screen.

I'm definitely not trying to say "Oh you need to improve this, this, and this"...Malwarebytes is a program I bought

because I heard it was good and it will be on every machine I ever have Winblows on. Definitely worth every penny.

Hell, I'd have paid twice the cost for it! Thanks for having a good, honest program out there; shows that there are

also good, honest people around and not just those slacktard rejects that consistently come up with new ways to

screw someone over.

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Hi Vorlin,

I disagree with you on the first.

1. If you leave the computer, how will you remember what was scanned and how long? If problems arise that info could be useful if it's different then normal. Let's say you did a quick scan and left for a while which took 4 hours. Normally, it may take 6 minutes. That info is useful as that is definitely a bad sign.

2. That is definitely needed. Hopefully that can happen in the next version.

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Greetings and thanks for posting a reply! I guess I kinda misworded the first one (read it again after I posted and realized how it could be taken out of

context). What I really meant was that if there was a way to put all that status on the popup window and then have the main window be at the scan

select, that would be more in line. I'm not trying to remove stats from the scan, it'd just be nice to have the scan select screen ready to go again w/o

having to go to another tab and back (not that it's that big of a deal, hehe).

Either way, it's not that big of a deal as it's not a problem and I'm just glad MBAM is around.

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Once a scan has completed you will see a button just above Exit that says Main Menu, click on that and you will be returned to the scan selection screen which will allow you to select the desired type of scan and scan again if you wish :).

Wouldn't you know...I ran another flash scan and saw that...yeah, no changes need to be made on that, I just need to learn to open my eyes, hah!

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