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We are just not sure what happend but this has happened several times.

Without warning or after a morning reboot one of our systems running 1.45 then 1.46 went wild on system usage.

We thought the OLD Norton was affecting it so we did a safe start, removed Norton AV with Revo Uninstaller and Viola... on system reboot our WINXP Pro SP3 went into high gear again...90-95% utilization... Obviously we coudl not use the computer for much at that point....

Finally got Task Manager up to see that the MBAM services were the culprit eating system resources.

Removed 1.45... Rebooted ...All seemed well...

Reloaded with 1.46 and Viola... All hell broke loose again....

System resources went way up again.... This happened a few weeks ago and we removed and reinstalled and unmarked "Start Malicious Website Blocking"

All seemed ok for a while then it happend again....

Final solution, remove MB, reboot and all is quiet......

...and NO, we had NO Schedules set... actually during the high system use, we have no clue what it was doing... disc activity was low and there was no internet activity... so we have no idea what MB was doing but it was sure busy....


Perdido Beach, AL

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What is the CPU type and speed?

How much RAM does the system have?

You could go to My Controls then Edit Signature in Personal Profile and add this information so that helpers can offer pertinent advice.

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