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Randomized update times

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I just deployed Malwarebytes to my corporate network (we have a corporate license). I scheduled the updates to occur every two hours. It worked. Every client (150+) simultaneously decided to download the definitions at exactly 10am. Took down our two T1's for 20 minutes. Opps!

Could you add a "randomized" setting for the update schedule? For example, download every two hours but randomize the exact time +- 30 minutes. I've seen this on other software and it works quite well. If I could keep all my clients from downloading the updates at precisley the same time, I think it would work a lot better.

I'm aware I could have one client download the updates and then distribute it but there's no easy way to do that.



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I just deployed Malwarebytes to my corporate network (we have a corporate license). I scheduled the updates to occur every two hours. It worked. Every client (150+) simultaneously decided to download the definitions at exactly 10am. Took down our two T1's for 20 minutes. Opps!

Could you add a "randomized" setting for the update schedule? For example, download every two hours but randomize the exact time +- 30 minutes. I've seen this on other software and it works quite well. If I could keep all my clients from downloading the updates at precisley the same time, I think it would work a lot better.

I'm aware I could have one client download the updates and then distribute it but there's no easy way to do that.




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They will assist you in this matter. Please provide your corporate license information when requesting help.

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