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Impressed but just two things i noticed wrong

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nothing major ok !! Really like Anti - Malware Pro 1.17 BUT... i did notice two things while using it and they are ..

1) My Quadcore CPU temps went up by 9 degrees while scanning. !


2) Outlook Express lags a bit when you open it with protection on. I guess MBAM is checking it out as it opens ! Yes ? If so i can live with it.

Thats about it, i really do like it and it found a nasty hidden deep in an old restore point. Cool :P

Thank you.

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  • Root Admin

Here are a few brief answers to your concerns.

1. Yes, your CPU is utilized when Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is scanning so many files. Once the scan is complete, the CPU usage should return back to normal and then the temperature will go down.

2. Once you open it a few times the lag will go away. The Protection Module checks the process and all modules it loads before the process executes. We are constantly working to make our Protection faster and you should notice improvements as new versions are released.

Let me know if you have any more questions or concerns :P.

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Many programs will max the CPU to 100% during a scan.

And then there are the programs that max out your CPU while doing nothing more than wasting your time. I normally remove such applications from peoples' computers.

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And then there are the programs that max out your CPU while doing nothing more than wasting your time. I normally remove such applications from peoples' computers.

Yes, and many people install them thinking they are getting the "best" deal around because it's all in one. I.E. Symantec and McAfee, Adaware, I could go on.

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