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Myspace being blocked?


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Hey, I'm having a problem (again) but this is only minor.

I'm not sure when it happened, but for some reason Myspace may be being blocked.

I think it might be an Anti-virus, malware, etc. program I have downloaded on my computer.

Here's the list:

Malwarebytes anti-malware

Hijack this!


Spybot:Search and Destroy


Avast! Antivirus



Spyware Blaster

Online Armor

I tried searching through these but I don't know how to manage sites I'm allowed to go to.

I think it might be from Online Armor, but I'm not entirely sure.

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  • Root Admin

Well you were just cleaned up the other day so let's hope you're not infected again so soon.

Click on START - RUN and type in CMD and press the Enter key.

Then see if you can PING myspace.com by typing this.

PING MYSPACE.COM and press the enter key and you should get a response. Let me know what the response is.

You can also try NSLOOKUP MYSPACE.COM and see what response you get from that.

You can run notepad and open this file: %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS and look for myspace.com in that file.

Let us know what you find.

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Yeah that's what I'm scared of.

I'd be an idiot if I was already infected to so quickly, lol.

I ran the things you wanted me to do and I don't know what you want me to do with them.

But, when I opened %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS I found myspace.com and www.myspace.com.

I also found fake (innappropiate) ones like:





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The HOSTS file is read-only. You need to right-click on the file, click 'Properties', unckeck "Read Only" near the bottom of the 'General' tab, and then click the OK button. After that you should be able to save any changes to the HOSTS file.

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Perhaps someone in your home put it there for a reason?

That's what most likely happened. Security programs are normally the only ones that will turn the read-only flag back on after they modify the HOSTS file, and they will not add MySpace to that file unless they are specifically told to.

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Delete ComboFix and all files associated with it. Do NOT use this program without supervision. If a site is blocked it maybe listed in Spyware Blaster or Spybot Search and Destroy. My Space is a major source of malaware and it is no surprise it's blocked. Leave the Hosts file alone! It blocks sites for a reason.

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Correction - *hijacked* profiles at MySpace can be a source of malware.

To say MySpace itself is the source is not fair, because it is not MySpace's *intent* to be malicious.

Plus, they are weeding them out as fast as possible. In addition, they just rolled out a *new* interface in the last couple of days to try to make security better for the legit users.

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