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I installed Malwarebytes yesterday and have all protections turned on - Today, I am not able to update my brokerage account data through Quicken - is the malwarebytes firewall preventing the updates? How do i disable this?


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Hi JoeP -

The advice is listed in the FAQ area - Only do this if you are 100% sure the site is Safe or Very Needed -

How can I add an IP so it won't be detected and can access a site I need to?

Visit the site and incur an IP block. Then right-click on the Malwarebytes system-tray icon after the block notification appears, and choose Add to Ignore List.

Hope this helps -

Thank You for your interest - :)

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  • 4 years later...

I am having the same issue. I am not a wiz with computers, so I dont see the answer.


When we update our accounts in Quicken, we dont see a ny web page. Quicken goes somewhere to grab our account updates.


After I bought Malwarebytes, I cannot get my account data to download. If i remove MWB, everything updates into my accounts.


How do I figure out which exclussion to use? web or other? ip address?


I tried Quicken with no help.  I looked online finding this and other responces written in Greek.


Any help please?



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Hi, @mv8167:
This topic is nearly 4.5 years old. :o
Anything discussed in it likely is no longer relevant, as all programs (including both Quicken and MBAM), as well as the Windows Operating System, would have been updated countless times since then.
Until the mod team can split off your post to a separate thread, it would help to have a bit of basic info about your system. :)

Please read the following and post back attached to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: FRST.txt, Addition.txt and CheckResults.txt)



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