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My first and long post. I already asked on the other forums, so far no answer, since it is related to external HDD and by coincidence I have WD Green Power in enclosure as my external HDD I post here.

It started not long time ago.

Description. After I connect my external USB HDD separated into into 3 logical partitions (total 1 TB) and autoplay starts reading this HDD this pop up appears "server busy switch to retry", next, autoplay stops, usually after reading 1 partition, PC becomes unresponsive, and I can turn it off by power button only. I know for fact that this my external HDD is the problem, because I did complete restore using Acronis to 1 month back (so no viruses malaware and such, and any new installations and upgrades can be blamed). Also, I attempted to connect this HDD to my backup PC and the same thing is happened. So, I tried with XP Home SP2 (main PC) and XP PRO SP2 (back up PC). At the same time I am able to connect and operate without any problems my flash drives and multiple portable external USB HDDs (with single partition each). Also, I am able to connect the problem HDD to my main PC in the Safe Mode without any problems - trying to copy all DATA to everywhere now for backup - no hardware is to blame.

Partitioning of HDD was done by Paragon Partition Manager.

After some testing of this problem I proceeded to the next step.

All data on those 3 partitions was erased and partitions formatted.

Now, when those partitions have no data I can connect this external HDD to PC using only 1 short cable (other cable combinations leading to mystery pop up), previously it was setup with the long USB extension and it was working like that for many years.

Next, I loaded those partitions with some data and attempted to connect to same PC with the same cable, no way, same pop up again.

Next erased all data again, and it is connecting via short cable without any problems.

Conclusions: Autoplay related with Multiple partitions, and second, cable related????

Lastly, I just did another restore to 2 months back and it is working, BUT when I update all my things - problem is back.

I am not blaming anyone here, rather trying to find a solution - I am using MBAM, this last restore has 1.42 version, as soon as it is upgraded to 1.46 - problem starts?

Any ideas?

Appreciate for any input.

Thanks in advance.

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