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Hi guys,

I'm happy to find this forum. I have discovered a new hobby, which I am honestly a novice at, but hope to expand on -- finding and reporting viruses/malware to anti-virus/anti-malware software vendors. After finding a few recent threats, and reporting them to different anti-virus product makers, I became hooked.

I have been a long-time casual user of Malwarebyte's free version. It has been excellent, and that's why I'm here. I read through some of your rogue forum links, and would really love the chance to join your rogue malware-busting team, partly to learn more about how to do it properly, and partly just to do my part to alert the world to viruses and malware in the wild.

I've set up a "test machine" at work on an older Pentium 4 computer, and would love the chance to examine different viruses and malware that people upload. Currently, I am not allowed to download these files from your site. I hope I can be allowed to do this, at your discretion, of course.

I hope it's OK that I posted this message here, and thanks to the guys who cleaned up my previous malware link -- I'll do it right next time!


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Hello Baccusboy, welcome to the forum at Malwarebytes.

I am glad you are happy with MBAM too. Furthermore, it is more happy to be heard someone who want to contribute themselves in malware hunting (especially finding malware originated from Asia) :)

Yes, at this stage you are not allowed to download the malware at the Research Centre. But if you significant contribute more samples to the Centre, you will have chances to get promoted as a Malware Hunters/ Rogue Reporters so that you can download those files. Experts are also able to download too.

We have created a new user group in order to grant access to uploaded malware samples at our Research Center. Membership of the group is by promotion, based on recent activities within the malware hunting community at the Malwarebytes forums. Continued membership is based upon reasonable and meaningful contribution to our community at the Research Center.

Membership of the group will be reviewed monthly and new promotions to group will be made where merited.


Welcome aboard and enjoy :P

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