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I'm getting a false or "ghost" hit on a file with MBAM. I'm using the full active paid version of MBAM, and every time the PC loads to the Vista desktop, I get an MBAM "malicious process detected" (screen shot attached below). The thing is, the path/file/folder listed by MBAM does not exist. There is no "Gamevance" folder in "C:\Program Files". I have used several HD and registry searching tools to scan for anything with "gamevance" in it, anything with "gamev", anything with "gv", etc.... and the searches always come up empty. I have tried the "Ignore" button, I have tried the "Quarantine" button, no dice. I have run full scans with other applications (Avira and Super Antispyware) and they come up clean. So - what's the deal?


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Yup - looks like we're in the same boat here . . . I'll let the user know to simply click "Quarantine" each time he boots up, and hopefully the MBAM developers will drop a "fix" in to a future update . . . however - if someone has fix for this, feel free to clue us in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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