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I have two problems. First, MBAM won't run or update correctly. Running it brings up a MBAM_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE (0, 0) error. Updating it brings up a MBAM_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE (0, 5) error.

I tried to follow the checklist of steps in the sticky topic about what to do. I got up to the GMER Rootkit Scanner step, and then hit a snag - my second problem. The randomly-named .exe file from the website always causes my system to crash in a bluescreen. I do have the DDS.txt and Attach.txt files available, and will attach those to this post. I will try to run the GMER rootkit scanner again, and take notes on the bluescreen message. I will edit this post to list the details of that message.


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The bluescreen message flickered by too quick to read. Upon restarting, Windows 7 had an error report dialog box open, with an option to view details.

The details are:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

OS Version: 6.1.7600.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:

BCCode: f4

BCP1: 00000003

BCP2: 87E4AA30

BCP3: 87E4AB9C

BCP4: 8323DD90

OS Version: 6_1_7600

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 256_1

Files that help describe the problem:



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So, currently I'm stuck at the step where I should run GMER's rootkit reveal software. It crashes my system. What should I do?

(There are no other noticeable symptoms of any malware, aside from MBAM being unable to install or update.)

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An update. I have not managed to solve the secondary problem (of GMER crashing my computer) but I did find a very useful post in the "General MBAM" forum here, which addressed my first problem (of Windows 7 users being unable to update MBAM properly). I followed the instructions and MBAM was installed just fine on my computer. The problem has been solved, so mods please feel free to close this thread.

In case anybody else is using Windows 7 and they're finding it hard to update or install MBAM, follow the steps in this post here. Very simple, very effective. I scanned my computer afterwards and got a clean bill of health. Best of luck to all!

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