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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes

Arabic Transparent REG_SZ Arial

Arabic Transparent Bold REG_SZ Arial Bold

Arabic Transparent,0 REG_SZ Arial,178

Arabic Transparent Bold,0 REG_SZ Arial Bold,178

Helvetica REG_SZ Arial

Arial Baltic,186 REG_SZ Arial,186

Arial CE,238 REG_SZ Arial,238

Arial CYR,204 REG_SZ Arial,204

Arial Greek,161 REG_SZ Arial,161

Arial TUR,162 REG_SZ Arial,162

Courier New Baltic,186 REG_SZ Courier New,186

Courier New CE,238 REG_SZ Courier New,238

Courier New CYR,204 REG_SZ Courier New,204

Courier New Greek,161 REG_SZ Courier New,161

Courier New TUR,162 REG_SZ Courier New,162

Times REG_SZ Times New Roman

Times New Roman Baltic,186 REG_SZ Times New Roman,186

Times New Roman CE,238 REG_SZ Times New Roman,238

Times New Roman CYR,204 REG_SZ Times New Roman,204

Times New Roman Greek,161 REG_SZ Times New Roman,161

Times New Roman TUR,162 REG_SZ Times New Roman,162

MS Shell Dlg 2 REG_SZ Tahoma

Tahoma Armenian REG_SZ Tahoma

Helv REG_SZ MS Sans Serif

Tms Rmn REG_SZ MS Serif

David Transparent REG_SZ David

Miriam Transparent REG_SZ Miriam

Fixed Miriam Transparent REG_SZ Miriam Fixed

Rod Transparent REG_SZ Rod

FangSong_GB2312 REG_SZ FangSong

KaiTi_GB2312 REG_SZ KaiTi

MS Shell Dlg REG_SZ Microsoft Sans Serif

System,0 REG_SZ System,161

Fixedsys,0 REG_SZ Fixedsys,161

Small Fonts,0 REG_SZ Small Fonts,161

MS Serif,0 REG_SZ MS Serif,161

MS Sans Serif,0 REG_SZ MS Sans Serif,204

System Greek,0 REG_SZ System,161

Fixedsys Greek,0 REG_SZ Fixedsys,161

Small Fonts Greek,0 REG_SZ Small Fonts,161

MS Serif Greek,0 REG_SZ MS Serif,161

MS Sans Serif Greek,0 REG_SZ MS Sans Serif,161

Courier,0 REG_SZ Courier New,204

Arial Greek,0 REG_SZ Arial,161

Courier New Greek,0 REG_SZ Courier New,161

Times New Roman Greek,0 REG_SZ Times New Roman,161

Helv,0 REG_SZ MS Sans Serif,161

Tms Rmn,0 REG_SZ MS Serif,161

Tahoma,0 REG_SZ Tahoma,204

Arial,0 REG_SZ Arial,204

Courier,204 REG_SZ Courier New,204

Times New Roman,0 REG_SZ Times New Roman,204

Verdana,0 REG_SZ Verdana,204

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts

Arial (TrueType) REG_SZ arial.ttf

Arial Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ ariali.ttf

Arial Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ arialbd.ttf

Arial Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ arialbi.ttf

Batang & BatangChe & Gungsuh & GungsuhChe (TrueType) REG_SZ batang.ttc

Courier New (TrueType) REG_SZ cour.ttf

Courier New Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ couri.ttf

Courier New Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ courbd.ttf

Courier New Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ courbi.ttf

DaunPenh (TrueType) REG_SZ daunpenh.ttf

DokChampa (TrueType) REG_SZ dokchamp.ttf

Estrangelo Edessa (TrueType) REG_SZ estre.ttf

Euphemia (TrueType) REG_SZ euphemia.ttf

Gautami (TrueType) REG_SZ gautami.ttf

Gautami Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ gautamib.ttf

Vani (TrueType) REG_SZ Vani.ttf

Vani Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ Vanib.ttf

Gulim & GulimChe & Dotum & DotumChe (TrueType) REG_SZ gulim.ttc

Impact (TrueType) REG_SZ impact.ttf

Iskoola Pota (TrueType) REG_SZ iskpota.ttf

Iskoola Pota Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ iskpotab.ttf

Kalinga (TrueType) REG_SZ kalinga.ttf

Kalinga Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ kalingab.ttf

Kartika (TrueType) REG_SZ kartika.ttf

Kartika Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ kartikab.ttf

Khmer UI (TrueType) REG_SZ khmerui.ttf

Khmer UI Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ khmeruib.ttf

Lao UI (TrueType) REG_SZ Laoui.ttf

Lao UI Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ Laouib.ttf

Latha (TrueType) REG_SZ latha.ttf

Latha Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ lathab.ttf

Lucida Console (TrueType) REG_SZ lucon.TTF

Malgun Gothic (TrueType) REG_SZ malgun.ttf

Malgun Gothic Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ malgunbd.ttf

Mangal (TrueType) REG_SZ mangal.ttf

Mangal Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ mangalb.ttf

Meiryo & Meiryo Italic & Meiryo UI & Meiryo UI Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ meiryo.ttc

Meiryo Bold & Meiryo Bold Italic & Meiryo UI Bold & Meiryo UI Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ meiryob.ttc

Microsoft Himalaya (TrueType) REG_SZ himalaya.ttf

Microsoft JhengHei (TrueType) REG_SZ msjh.ttf

Microsoft JhengHei Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ msjhbd.ttf

Microsoft YaHei (TrueType) REG_SZ msyh.ttf

Microsoft YaHei Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ msyhbd.ttf

MingLiU & PMingLiU & MingLiU_HKSCS (TrueType) REG_SZ mingliu.ttc

MingLiU-ExtB & PMingLiU-ExtB & MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB (TrueType) REG_SZ mingliub.ttc

Mongolian Baiti (TrueType) REG_SZ monbaiti.ttf

MS Gothic & MS PGothic & MS UI Gothic (TrueType) REG_SZ msgothic.ttc

MS Mincho & MS PMincho (TrueType) REG_SZ msmincho.ttc

MV Boli (TrueType) REG_SZ mvboli.ttf

Microsoft New Tai Lue (TrueType) REG_SZ ntailu.ttf

Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ ntailub.ttf

Nyala (TrueType) REG_SZ nyala.TTF

Microsoft PhagsPa (TrueType) REG_SZ phagspa.ttf

Microsoft PhagsPa Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ phagspab.ttf

Plantagenet Cherokee (TrueType) REG_SZ plantc.ttf

Raavi (TrueType) REG_SZ raavi.ttf

Raavi Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ raavib.ttf

Segoe Script (TrueType) REG_SZ segoesc.ttf

Segoe Script Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ segoescb.ttf

Segoe UI (TrueType) REG_SZ segoeui.ttf

Segoe UI Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ segoeuib.ttf

Segoe UI Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ segoeuii.ttf

Segoe UI Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ segoeuiz.ttf

Segoe UI Semibold (TrueType) REG_SZ seguisb.ttf

Segoe UI Light (TrueType) REG_SZ segoeuil.ttf

Segoe UI Symbol (TrueType) REG_SZ seguisym.ttf

Shruti (TrueType) REG_SZ shruti.ttf

Shruti Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ shrutib.ttf

SimSun & NSimSun (TrueType) REG_SZ simsun.ttc

SimSun-ExtB (TrueType) REG_SZ simsunb.ttf

Sylfaen (TrueType) REG_SZ sylfaen.ttf

Microsoft Tai Le (TrueType) REG_SZ taile.ttf

Microsoft Tai Le Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ taileb.ttf

Times New Roman (TrueType) REG_SZ times.ttf

Times New Roman Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ timesi.ttf

Times New Roman Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ timesbd.ttf

Times New Roman Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ timesbi.ttf

Tunga (TrueType) REG_SZ tunga.ttf

Tunga Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ tungab.ttf

Vrinda (TrueType) REG_SZ vrinda.ttf

Vrinda Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ vrindab.ttf

Shonar Bangla (TrueType) REG_SZ Shonar.ttf

Shonar Bangla Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ Shonarb.ttf

Microsoft Yi Baiti (TrueType) REG_SZ msyi.ttf

Tahoma (TrueType) REG_SZ tahoma.ttf

Tahoma Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ tahomabd.ttf

Microsoft Sans Serif (TrueType) REG_SZ micross.ttf

Angsana New (TrueType) REG_SZ angsa.ttf

Angsana New Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ angsai.ttf

Angsana New Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ angsab.ttf

Angsana New Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ angsaz.ttf

Aparajita (TrueType) REG_SZ aparaj.ttf

Aparajita Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ aparajb.ttf

Aparajita Bold Italic(TrueType) REG_SZ aparajbi.ttf

Aparajita Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ aparaji.ttf

Cordia New (TrueType) REG_SZ cordia.ttf

Cordia New Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ cordiai.ttf

Cordia New Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ cordiab.ttf

Cordia New Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ cordiaz.ttf

Ebrima (TrueType) REG_SZ ebrima.ttf

Ebrima Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ ebrimabd.ttf

Gisha (TrueType) REG_SZ gisha.ttf

Gisha Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ gishabd.ttf

Kokila (TrueType) REG_SZ kokila.ttf

Kokila Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ kokilab.ttf

Kokila Bold Italic(TrueType) REG_SZ kokilabi.ttf

Kokila Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ kokilai.ttf

Leelawadee (TrueType) REG_SZ leelawad.ttf

Leelawadee Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ leelawdb.ttf

Microsoft Uighur (TrueType) REG_SZ msuighur.ttf

MoolBoran (TrueType) REG_SZ moolbor.ttf

Symbol (TrueType) REG_SZ symbol.ttf

Utsaah (TrueType) REG_SZ utsaah.ttf

Utsaah Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ utsaahb.ttf

Utsaah Bold Italic(TrueType) REG_SZ utsaahbi.ttf

Utsaah Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ utsaahi.ttf

Vijaya (TrueType) REG_SZ vijaya.ttf

Vijaya Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ vijayab.ttf

Wingdings (TrueType) REG_SZ wingding.ttf

Modern (All res) REG_SZ modern.fon

Roman (All res) REG_SZ roman.fon

Script (All res) REG_SZ script.fon

Andalus (TrueType) REG_SZ andlso.ttf

Arabic Typesetting (TrueType) REG_SZ arabtype.ttf

Simplified Arabic (TrueType) REG_SZ simpo.ttf

Simplified Arabic Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ simpbdo.ttf

Simplified Arabic Fixed (TrueType) REG_SZ simpfxo.ttf

Sakkal Majalla (TrueType) REG_SZ majalla.ttf

Sakkal Majalla Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ majallab.ttf

Traditional Arabic (TrueType) REG_SZ trado.ttf

Traditional Arabic Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ tradbdo.ttf

Aharoni Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ ahronbd.ttf

David (TrueType) REG_SZ david.ttf

David Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ davidbd.ttf

FrankRuehl (TrueType) REG_SZ frank.ttf

Levenim MT (TrueType) REG_SZ lvnm.ttf

Levenim MT Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ lvnmbd.ttf

Miriam (TrueType) REG_SZ mriam.ttf

Miriam Fixed (TrueType) REG_SZ mriamc.ttf

Narkisim (TrueType) REG_SZ nrkis.ttf

Rod (TrueType) REG_SZ rod.ttf

FangSong (TrueType) REG_SZ simfang.ttf

SimHei (TrueType) REG_SZ simhei.ttf

KaiTi (TrueType) REG_SZ simkai.ttf

AngsanaUPC (TrueType) REG_SZ angsau.ttf

AngsanaUPC Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ angsaui.ttf

AngsanaUPC Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ angsaub.ttf

AngsanaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ angsauz.ttf

Browallia New (TrueType) REG_SZ browa.ttf

Browallia New Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ browai.ttf

Browallia New Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ browab.ttf

Browallia New Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ browaz.ttf

BrowalliaUPC (TrueType) REG_SZ browau.ttf

BrowalliaUPC Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ browaui.ttf

BrowalliaUPC Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ browaub.ttf

BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ browauz.ttf



CordiaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ CORDIAUZ.TTF

CordiaUPC Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ CORDIAUI.TTF

DilleniaUPC (TrueType) REG_SZ upcdl.ttf

DilleniaUPC Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcdi.ttf

DilleniaUPC Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ upcdb.ttf

DilleniaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcdbi.ttf

EucrosiaUPC (TrueType) REG_SZ upcel.ttf

EucrosiaUPC Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcei.ttf

EucrosiaUPC Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ upceb.ttf

EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcebi.ttf

FreesiaUPC (TrueType) REG_SZ upcfl.ttf

FreesiaUPC Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcfi.ttf

FreesiaUPC Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ upcfb.ttf

FreesiaUPC Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcfbi.ttf

IrisUPC (TrueType) REG_SZ upcil.ttf

IrisUPC Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcii.ttf

IrisUPC Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ upcib.ttf

IrisUPC Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcibi.ttf

JasmineUPC (TrueType) REG_SZ upcjl.ttf

JasmineUPC Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcji.ttf

JasmineUPC Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ upcjb.ttf

JasmineUPC Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcjbi.ttf

KodchiangUPC (TrueType) REG_SZ upckl.ttf

KodchiangUPC Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcki.ttf

KodchiangUPC Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ upckb.ttf

KodchiangUPC Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upckbi.ttf

LilyUPC (TrueType) REG_SZ upcll.ttf

LilyUPC Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upcli.ttf

LilyUPC Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ upclb.ttf

LilyUPC Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ upclbi.ttf

DFKai-SB (TrueType) REG_SZ kaiu.ttf

Lucida Sans Unicode (TrueType) REG_SZ l_10646.ttf

Arial Black (TrueType) REG_SZ ariblk.ttf

Calibri (TrueType) REG_SZ calibri.ttf

Calibri Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ calibrii.ttf

Calibri Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ calibrib.ttf

Calibri Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ calibriz.ttf

Cambria & Cambria Math (TrueType) REG_SZ cambria.ttc

Cambria Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ cambriai.ttf

Cambria Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ cambriab.ttf

Cambria Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ cambriaz.ttf

Candara (TrueType) REG_SZ candara.ttf

Candara Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ candarai.ttf

Candara Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ candarab.ttf

Candara Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ candaraz.ttf

Comic Sans MS (TrueType) REG_SZ comic.ttf

Comic Sans MS Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ comicbd.ttf

Consolas (TrueType) REG_SZ consola.ttf

Consolas Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ consolai.ttf

Consolas Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ consolab.ttf

Consolas Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ consolaz.ttf

Constantia (TrueType) REG_SZ constan.ttf

Constantia Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ constani.ttf

Constantia Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ constanb.ttf

Constantia Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ constanz.ttf

Corbel (TrueType) REG_SZ corbel.ttf

Corbel Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ corbeli.ttf

Corbel Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ corbelb.ttf

Corbel Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ corbelz.ttf

Franklin Gothic Medium (TrueType) REG_SZ framd.ttf

Franklin Gothic Medium Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ framdit.ttf

Gabriola (TrueType) REG_SZ Gabriola.ttf

Georgia (TrueType) REG_SZ georgia.ttf

Georgia Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ georgiai.ttf

Georgia Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ georgiab.ttf

Georgia Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ georgiaz.ttf

Palatino Linotype (TrueType) REG_SZ pala.ttf

Palatino Linotype Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ palai.ttf

Palatino Linotype Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ palab.ttf

Palatino Linotype Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ palabi.ttf

Segoe Print (TrueType) REG_SZ segoepr.ttf

Segoe Print Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ segoeprb.ttf

Trebuchet MS (TrueType) REG_SZ trebuc.ttf

Trebuchet MS Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ trebucit.ttf

Trebuchet MS Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ trebucbd.ttf

Trebuchet MS Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ trebucbi.ttf

Verdana (TrueType) REG_SZ verdana.ttf

Verdana Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ verdanai.ttf

Verdana Bold (TrueType) REG_SZ verdanab.ttf

Verdana Bold Italic (TrueType) REG_SZ verdanaz.ttf

Webdings (TrueType) REG_SZ webdings.ttf

Courier 10,12,15 REG_SZ COURE.FON

MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 REG_SZ SERIFE.FON

MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 REG_SZ SSERIFE.FON


Small Fonts (120) REG_SZ SMALLF.FON

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache


C:\Windows\system32\WFS.exe REG_SZ Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan

C:\Program Files (x86)\GRETECH\GomPlayer\GOM.exe REG_SZ GOM Player

C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe REG_SZ Adobe Reader 9.3

C:\Windows\eHome\ehshell.exe REG_SZ Windows Media Center

C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe REG_SZ Internet Explorer

C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe REG_SZ iTunes

C:\Program Files\MPC HomeCinema (x64)\mpc-hc64.exe REG_SZ Media Player Classic - Homecinema

C:\Windows\system32\mspaint.exe REG_SZ Paint

C:\Windows\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE REG_SZ Notepad

C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer\PhotoViewer.dll REG_SZ Windows Photo Viewer

C:\Program Files (x86)\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe REG_SZ ?Torrent

C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe REG_SZ WinRAR archiver

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe REG_SZ Windows Media Player

C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE REG_SZ WordPad

C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager\Patch 5.xx(2009-07-10).exe REG_SZ Patch 5.xx(2009-07-10)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe REG_SZ Firefox

C:\Program Files (x86)\Call of Duty\CoDSP.exe REG_SZ CoDSP

E:\SKIDROW\iw4mp.exe REG_SZ iw4mp

C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\PictureViewer.exe REG_SZ PictureViewer

C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3sp.exe REG_SZ iw3sp

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe REG_SZ Windows Command Processor

E:\Razor1911\MassEffect2.exe REG_SZ Mass Effect 2

C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Modern Warfare 2\iw4sp.exe REG_SZ iw4sp

C:\Program Files\Diskeeper Corporation\Diskeeper\DkWMIClient.exe REG_SZ DkWMICli Application

C:\Windows\System32\taskmgr.exe REG_SZ Windows Task Manager

C:\Windows\explorer.exe REG_SZ Windows Explorer

C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QuickTimePlayer.exe REG_SZ QuickTime Player

C:\program files (x86)\nokia\nokia ovi suite\nokiaovisuite.exe REG_SZ Nokia Ovi Suite 2

C:\Program Files (x86)\Nokia\Phoenix\phoenix.exe REG_SZ Phoenix Application

C:\Program Files (x86)\Zone Labs\ZoneAlarm\zlclient.exe REG_SZ ZoneAlarm Client

C:\Program Files (x86)\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe REG_SZ CCleaner

C:\Program Files (x86)\Partition Wizard Home Edition 5.0\PartitionWizard.exe REG_SZ Partition Wizard

C:\Program Files (x86)\NSS\NSS.exe REG_SZ Nemesis Service Suite

C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\hjsplit.exe REG_SZ hjsplit

C:\Program Files (x86)\NSS\F1UpgradeUtility.exe REG_SZ F1UpgradeUtility

C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\OGM_JAF_PKEY_Emulator_v 5.exe REG_SZ OGM_JAF_PKEY_Emulator_v 5

C:\Windows\regedit.exe REG_SZ Registry Editor

C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\JAFCOMEMULATOR.exe REG_SZ TODO: <File description>

C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\JAFLogger.exe REG_SZ TODO: <File description>

C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\navifirm.exe REG_SZ NAVIFIRM

C:\Program Files (x86)\ODEON\JAF\JAF.exe REG_SZ Just Another Flasher

C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\Nero_Express_9.exe REG_SZ Nero_Express_9

C:\Users\Jim\Desktop\kptnsrv11.exe REG_SZ kptnsrv11

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\explorer.exe REG_SZ Windows Explorer

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe REG_SZ Windows Live Messenger

C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\unins000.exe REG_SZ Setup/Uninstall

C:\Users\Jim\Downloads\mbam-setup-1.46(3).exe REG_SZ Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

C:\Users\Jim\Downloads\mbam-setup-1.46.exe REG_SZ Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

C:\Users\Jim\Downloads\mbam-setup-1.46(2).exe REG_SZ Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

C:\Users\Jim\Downloads\mbam-setup.exe REG_SZ Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

C:\Program Files (x86)\Smallvideosoft\Freez FLV to MP3 Converter\flv2mp3.exe REG_SZ Flv to Mp3 Converter

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Photo Viewer\PhotoViewer.dll REG_SZ Windows Photo Viewer

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows NT\Accessories\WORDPAD.EXE REG_SZ WordPad

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontMapper\FamilyDefaults

(Default) REG_SZ Arial

Swiss REG_SZ Arial

Modern REG_SZ Courier New

Decorative REG_SZ Impact

Script REG_SZ Segoe Script

Roman REG_SZ Times New Roman

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Your fonts look correct.

Please do the following:

  • Please open Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and press the Print Screen button on your keyboard (it may be marked as Prt Sc or similar).
  • Then open Paint and press CTRL+V on your keyboard to paste.
  • Please crop the image so that the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware user interface occupies the entire image as I did in this post
  • Then select File and click Save and click the drop down next to Save as type: and select PNG (*.PNG) and name the file MBAM and save it to your desktop or another location where you can easily find it
  • Insert the image as an attachment to your next reply, making sure to use the Manage Current Attachments menu to insert the image inline

Thanks :P

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  • 2 months later...

Language and region settings are English and United States

Greetings and welcome Dan :D

What language and regional settings do you have Windows 7 set to? I've noticed some issues with how Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is displayed when certain language settings are in place and that's the reason I ask.

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Please do the following:

  • Please copy and paste the following text exactly as written into notepad (not wordpad or any other text editor):
    @color 48
    @echo off
    reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage" /v "ACP">>"%userprofile%\desktop\Check.txt"
    reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage" /v "MACCP">>"%userprofile%\desktop\Check.txt"
    reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage" /v "OEMCP">>"%userprofile%\desktop\Check.txt"
    reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language" /v "Default">>"%userprofile%\desktop\Check.txt"
    del /f /q "%userprofile%\desktop\Check.txt"
    del /f /q %0

    Once you've done that click on File and select Save As...

  • In the Save dialogue box click on the drop down menu next to Save as type and select All Files
  • Name the file Check.bat (the .bat extension is very important)
  • Save the file to your desktop and double click it to run it.
  • Once it finishes it will open the file it created in notepad, please copy and paste the file's contents into your next reply.

Thanks :D

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Here's what it returned.








Default REG_SZ 0409

Please do the following:

  • Please copy and paste the following text exactly as written into notepad (not wordpad or any other text editor):
    @color 48
    @echo off
    reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage" /v "ACP">>"%userprofile%\desktop\Check.txt"
    reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage" /v "MACCP">>"%userprofile%\desktop\Check.txt"
    reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage" /v "OEMCP">>"%userprofile%\desktop\Check.txt"
    reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language" /v "Default">>"%userprofile%\desktop\Check.txt"
    del /f /q "%userprofile%\desktop\Check.txt"
    del /f /q %0

    Once you've done that click on File and select Save As...

  • In the Save dialogue box click on the drop down menu next to Save as type and select All Files
  • Name the file Check.bat (the .bat extension is very important)
  • Save the file to your desktop and double click it to run it.
  • Once it finishes it will open the file it created in notepad, please copy and paste the file's contents into your next reply.

Thanks :D

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It's been this way since I installed Win 7. I have my theme set as Windows Classic. Have changed it to Aero and Windows 7 basic with no change. Text size is set at default (100%). I'd like to change the default font as I don't like this Segoe at all....but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

The strange thing is, this only is happening in Malwarebytes. Any tabs in all other programs are fine. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling but that didn't help at all.

Thanks for all your help so far.

Thanks, everything looks correct. Have you made any changes to your DPI or font settings in Windows 7 that you can recall, such as altering the theme or changing fonts for your system?
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Thanks. I believe Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware uses different font settings than Windows uses for explorer (ie, SegoeUI), but by default in 7 the tabs should be readable. They are on my own system, which is also 7 x64 set to a resolution of 1920x1200. Of course, I might also just be used to the way it looks.

Would you mind taking a screenshot of the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware program window and using MS Paint to crop the image and attaching it to your next post so that I can take a look? It would aid me in assessing whether it looks the same as it does on my system or if there is indeed something unique about its appearance on your system.

Thank you :D.

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Here is a shot of the program. Hope it shows up.

Thanks. I believe Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware uses different font settings than Windows uses for explorer (ie, SegoeUI), but by default in 7 the tabs should be readable. They are on my own system, which is also 7 x64 set to a resolution of 1920x1200. Of course, I might also just be used to the way it looks.

Would you mind taking a screenshot of the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware program window and using MS Paint to crop the image and attaching it to your next post so that I can take a look? It would aid me in assessing whether it looks the same as it does on my system or if there is indeed something unique about its appearance on your system.

Thank you :D.


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Yes, those tabs look much smaller than they do on my system. I don't know of anything, aside from perhaps a font setting somewhere, that would cause that. I notice that most of the program's text looks quite normal, it's just the tabs that look incorrect.

I'll have to look into this further and perhaps get the developers to take a look to see if they can help us to figure out why this is happening and hopefully find a fix for it.

I'll have to do so tomorrow though (or later today really) as it's quite late here, around 2:30AM but I'll go ahead and email one of the developers so that he can take a look.

I'll post back as soon as I find anything out and hopefully I'll have a solution for you. Thank you for your patience in troubleshooting this issue, as you can see by this thread, I've been looking into this for quite some time now trying to find the cause and solution.

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No problem, just to update you, I have contacted the developers and they are looking into the issue as we speak. No guarantees, but hopefully they'll be able to track down the cause of the issue and have it resolved in our next release (version 1.47), unless it is discovered to be a setting on your system that we can help you to change to get the tabs to display correctly.

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Just to update, I broke down and reinstalled Win 7 and the small tab issue has been taken care of (for now). I hope it stays that way but based on the OP, I know I'm wasn't the only one with the problem.



No problem, just to update you, I have contacted the developers and they are looking into the issue as we speak. No guarantees, but hopefully they'll be able to track down the cause of the issue and have it resolved in our next release (version 1.47), unless it is discovered to be a setting on your system that we can help you to change to get the tabs to display correctly.
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