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hey guys or mods can you give me an idea how can i join a group that will have access to infection vectors? Do i really need to have certifications to be able to join the group? I am referring to new malware threats thread.. thanks for your reply if ever. :)

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hey guys or mods can you give me an idea how can i join a group that will have access to infection vectors? Do i really need to have certifications to be able to join the group? I am referring to new malware threats thread.. thanks for your reply if ever. :)

sorry for double posting but i cant see an edit button for the first message i posted up.. just to add.. it seems that posting direct links to infection vectors was not permitted anymore and instead the samples are attached already. can you give me an idea? :) thanks

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Also if you are a serious member of the Malware Hunters group... meaning you have given significant contributions of samples for research to the Newest Malware Threats/Newest Rogue Threats forums.


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hey guys or mods can you give me an idea how can i join a group that will have access to infection vectors? Do i really need to have certifications to be able to join the group? I am referring to new malware threats thread.. thanks for your reply if ever. :)

SpiderLover already pointed you in the right direction in your previous thread Here....so to clarify:

We have created a new user group in order to grant access to uploaded malware samples at our Research Center. Membership of the group is by promotion, based on recent activities within the malware hunting community at the Malwarebytes forums. Continued membership is based upon reasonable and meaningful contribution to our community at the Research Center.

Membership of the group will be reviewed monthly and new promotions to group will be made where merited.


Start by becoming a regular contributer and should you be deemed to be making a "reasonable and meaningful contribution", then you will be considered for membership.

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