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Hello Warthogg, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org and thank you for your purchase :)

If you entered your ID and KEY after clicking the register button and you see a red & white M in your task tray, then yes, you are running the pro/paid version.

I hope that answered your question and let us know if you have any more!

As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page.

Thank you :)

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Hello Warthogg, :)

Pro version unlocks the protection module that can prevent the malware starting to run in realtime. In addition, there is a second layer protection - IP protection - to prevent you from visiting Malicious Websites. A nice scheduler is also added for you to schedule the time of scanning and updating.

Apart from the way mountaintree16 said above, you can check whether you have a Pro version by these two ways:

    • If you download MBAM, it is free version. You can see the words "Purchase our powerful protection module to actively protect your system from malicious software. ..." in the protection tab.
    • If you have registered, then there's no need to enter again (apart from performing a clean install or running mbam-clean.exe if asked). You can see the words "Thank you for your purchase. ..." in the protection tab.

[*]You can see your ID and Key (masked by x) under disclaimer at the "About" tab.

an example:

blau blau ...


... the use of this program.

ID: AAAAA-11111

Key: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

Please post back if you have further questions.

Thank You :)

Edit - add a sentence.

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OK guys, I have turned on the software and now see my Red "M" in the tray. Update says I have the latest data base available. Had already used the scheduler. Pretty straight forward even for me.

Should I have to enable protection with each start-up ?? Yes "Start With Windows" is checked.

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Some folks choose to not start with windows (not know to me why either)

I run multipule computer all with different AV programs. (most of the av programs I use are on Corp. networks) I am a consultant so I have to be familiar with most Corp Editions of AV's.

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