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This has happened the last three times I've scanned (with plenty of time between scans). Whenever Malwarebytes comes to the skins that come with Yahoo Messenger, it goes over and over them...not just the skins, but mostly just them. Anyway, it keeps scanning them and won't move on to the rest of the scan. I have to abort the scan.

Both my Malwarebytes and Yahoo IM are up to date.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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First run this full CheckDisk scan - Cut and paste this code into the Run box - It will restart your computer and run a full 5 stage check -

Make sure all other programs are closed first - This takes about 30 mins , so let it run and it will check and repair most items -


Then run sfc /scannow by using the same method as above - If you have your install CD/DVD place that in and run it while this is running -

If there is no improvement then please post back -

Thank You - :)

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