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I just got the paid version of Malwarebytes. A message comes up repeatedly that says:

Malwarebytes successfully blocked access to a potentially malicious website

How can I tell if this is malicious. The IP resolves to a host in the Netherlands. Could this be a legitimate program on my computer trying to check for updates? How can I tell what it is?

The only program I use that could possibly be considered a P2P program is Skype.

Earlier today I had the same thing pop up for the IP of What is that?

I did run the full MWB program and my Avast antivirus along with Spybot and AdAware. No problems found. Does this mean there is probably smooth sailing and to allow these IPs?


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I just got the paid version of Malwarebytes. A message comes up repeatedly that says:

Malwarebytes successfully blocked access to a potentially malicious website

Regarding my post above. I didn't see a way to edit it. I just noticed that when I log off Skype the pop up for the malicious website no longer appears. What does this mean?

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Share on other sites resolves to a known malicious range, which is why it is blocked.

Sadly, due to the way Skype works, it connects to hundreds of thousands of users across millions of IP's, irrespective of whether it actually needs to or not, and this will sometimes include malicious IPs.

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Earlier today I had the same thing pop up for the IP of What is that? belongs to DemandMedia (aka eNom), and as with the previous IP, is not a range I'd ever suggest anyone visit.

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