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I had 8 exploits found on my computer. I took three weeks. I was declared clean 4 times! Things were still getting worse. Was adviced to reformat.

Installed Microsoft's new Process Explorer from Sysinternals.

Saw that ALL the antimalware stuff on my computer was running frequently for no reason I could see.

I could suspend every thing but MalwareBytes. That improved things

If I suspended MB my computer hung

In SAFE mode I dissabled the service of all the antimalware that had been on my computer while the trojans were there.

:lol: MY system is running and seems normal

Important question:

Do you want to examine the Malwarebytes programs on my computer???

If you want to get more data there are several threads on the PCHelp forum under the same user name.

I have a current thread running and I have told some of this to SEE KIT LAM

I just got this done this morning and it's keeeping me pretty busy.

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