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Iam from Germany and have got a question about "Updating Malwarebytes".

I'm using the free version of Malwarebytes. Today I wanted to update it because I had the database Version 3xxx.

First of all I started Malwarebytes and swiched to the menu "Update".

The button for the Update is grey and I cannot push it?

You can see it on this screenshot of my desktop:


I don't know what to do so i just deinstalled the programm and downloaded the latest version of it.

After the installation I got the database 4059 (I think) and version 1.46.

Is it possible to update Malwarebytes without installing it again?

I hope you can help (and sorry for my bad english which I learned at german schools).



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It should look like this:


Yes, but after the installation of the version (1.46 with database 4059) there is the problem, too. I cannot push the button because it's grey and not available.

Iam working with a konto with "no admin rights". Should I log in to Windows with my adminaccount?


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If you are using XP, yes, you need to log in as an administrator in order to update. If you are using Vista or 7, you can simply right-click on the desktop icon/shortcut and select "Run as administrator", type in your password, and you'll be all set to update :)

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